i still think of you
Hey [Adelaide] - it's dad calling. Um just wondering how you're doin' - haven't seen or heard from you for quite a while. Just hopin' you're doin' OK - wonderin' how your health is - how your Crohn's is. Nikita misses you - she goes in your room quite often'uh have a look for ya. Anyways - um - yeah, just I'm hoping you're doin' good - if you need anything lemme know. - oh your mail is still here um which I think is - i opened one of them - I think its for your bursary-scholarship stuff - applications you need to put in to get that money. so. Anyways - it's on the stand if you do happen by if I'm not here - you can pop in and grab it. Anyways hope you're doin' good. Love you - take care - bye.
$10 cigs
$10 cigs 672 673 6647
Mental Status Examination on Discharge
Patient presents as an 18-year-old trans female, tall with long narrow fingers, feminine face and long blonde hair, which she noted was a touch greasy as she has not been performing self-care; she is relatively feminine overall. Psychomotor presentation was normal, eye contact reasonable, speech normal in rate, volume and prosidy. Initially she was quite terse and standoffish with sarcastic responses.